
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stashy Goodness!

Check out this fabulousness!! A little care package arrived from my Mom the other day ~ she is destashing - Yay me! Lots of vintage everything in here. I tell you they don't make ribbons like this anymore - they are thick and lush and very nice! Plus loads of buttons, lace, eyelet, I tell you it was a major score for this fabric junkie.
Some of this stuff is probably as old as me - but we won't go into any details there.

So I guess I'ld better get busy and put these to good use.

Short post today ~ I'm still busy with custom sewing jobs. I'll post some goodies soon that I've got up my designer's sleeve.

Until then, go check out TGFM on Ebay - we just launched our Thanksgiving line. Go take a peek at some fun fall themed goodies. And don't forget to go visit the TGFM blog - we are giving all kinds of fabulous goods away - just sign-up on the mailing list and post! It's that simple.


Monday, September 22, 2008


Ready to rock'n'roll!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Doo wop doo wop

It's sock hop time. This annual fundraiser for the kids school ~ it's almost here already - ack! Friday! At last year's sock hop, I so carelessly threw out the idea that it would be easy to make poodle skirts 'cause I had a whole year to get them done - right? Err right. Fast forward say 12 months and we are here already. Yikes, you can probably see where I'm headed with this? No I didn't make that poodle skirt yet - well not until day before yesterday. Dear daughter insisted that she would attend again this year ~I was secretly hoping she would back out like her brother did ~ but that was just selfishness on my part as I didn't want to add another thing to my to do list this week. And I could have backed out anyway, but my best friend is sending her 2 kids in poodle skirts and so I can't be outdone. Yeah I have issues. No I will not back down! So after a couple nights work it's done. She loves it which is a relief since there wasn't much consultation with her in the wee hours of the night when momma was sewing this.

Standard felt poodle skirt - aka circle skirt - had to brush up on my geometry for this one. I added some lining because wouldn't you know it they are making felt alot thinner these days - figures. I wanted the light blue to really be light blue looking. Blue not pink 'cause well, I wanted her to be different. It's all about me again.

We're gonna make the scene Daddy-O

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Like a lemming

I am jumping off the sewing cliff. I have succumbed to yet another fashion trend. Ok so I should explain that I'm not fond of going with the flow - I like to do my own unique spin on all the things I sew or make. If 500 people pick one fashion design, I will inevitably pick the one design they didn't pick. I like to think of myself as unique, but who knows, maybe I'm just plain weird.

A friend of mine approached me to make her daughter an oh so trendy apron skirt - a trend I have avoided because there is no way my almost 7 year old would consent to wearing it anyway - so I just avoided the whole thing. Anyway, here is the result. This one was fun because it was easy - the designing was already done - all I had to do was come up with fun fabric combos and sew. Easy Peasy

You can check out the cute little recipient here - thanks Amy!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Pumpkin patch charm

Maybe it's not quite pumpkin patch time, but it's coming and I've finished up the perfect dress for it. Thanksgiving, Halloween, you name it, this dress is the perfect fall number ~ well in my humble opinion anyway. Lots of fall colors, pumpkins (of course) and fun prints. I used Sandy Gervais Pumpkins Gone Wild prints for this dress from Moda. Lots of twirl-a-bility as well, so important in a dress don't you think?

And hey what are those little squares called? Yeah more charm pack experimentation - this was the grand finale though I tell ya. I've been wanting to sew this one up for weeks but our vacation schedule got in the way.
And what's that first picture you ask? Just for fun, it's wacky hair day? My daughter having fun experimenting - she can be a real hoot some days.

Friday, September 5, 2008

For all your ghosts and goblins

The Girlfriends Manor Halloween launch is here. Actually I'm late, that's what I get for going on vacation. These auctions are already underway. They end on Wednesday, so go check out some cute stuff for Halloween - just click on the logo or search TGFM on ebay

The Trillium edition is yet another charm pack variation.

Don't forget to go post on the blog to win this weeks free give-away.