
Tuesday, November 11, 2008


What's that you say? Twirl-o-what'er? Hey I could not resist that oh so catchy title (cough splutter). That's what we have here, a lotta twirliness. My friend Kate (Monkeysbug) and her business partner designed this cute t-shirt twirl dress pattern and I promised her I would give this pattern a go, so here they are. This was a fun design to do and the big plus is that my daughter just loves this kind of style - twirly on the bottom, t-shirty on the top for maximum comfort and fun. This is the perfect school dress and she'll love it judging by her reaction when she saw the first one - she'll love it alot. (ok the apple idea was hers, not mine - but I like the way she thinks!)

As always, I did a few modifications. I'm always tinkering. I had to really eek out the yardage on pink one since I wanted to use up fabrics I had in the stash and avoid buying any new fabrics. I'm on a stash reduction mission. So I used some wooly nylon and serged the top edges of the tiers and left them exposed for added pizazz and added the striped coordinate for the bottom ruffle tier. Same lack of yardage for the black apple dress, so I used a coordinating red corduroy for the bottom ruffle and red ribbon on the tiers for accent. I'm really pleased with how both of these turned out. Way to go Kate!! This is a great pattern. See the big smile on her face?


  1. Oh, the red wasn't on purpose?? I thought it made it! And the red piping?, too. Very cute!! :D

  2. Nope! I just happened to have it and it matched the shirt - so i figured, why not. Then i decided to add in the ribbon. Thanks :)
