
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

PTS4 Received!

Happy Winter Solstice!

Yes I know I have been absent in Dec - and I had such grand plans for you as well! Ah well sometimes things just get away from you. Just wrapping up a few last minute christmas ends around here and then I'll be ready to par-tay.

Meanwhile, check out these babies!
My fabulous swap partner from the Pillow Talk Swap round 4 was my homeboy John of QuiltDad fame his'self. How lucky am I? I had suggested some pillows for our newly renovated den might be nice and John delivered!

Are they not fabulous!! And 2, count'em TWO pillows!
John definitely went above and beyond. Don't they look lovely on the sofa? Now I really need to get my skiing posters framed and on the walls.

In their new home

And he also sent some other goodies, not all of which are captured here because my children had already absconded with them. Thank-you John!! Everything is fabulous!

Happy Sewing!


  1. You're so very welcome! I am SO glad to hear that you liked everything. I really took my inspiration from your description of your guest room, with the decor inspired by the ski lodge posters. I hope this jives with the worn-in look you're going for. They look great on your denim sofa!!
