
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy 2012

Happy 2012 Everyone! I've been neglecting the blog recently due to lots of knitting taking the place of my sewing.

But for a new year, I've started a new quilt.

Sunshiney and happy to brighten up those rainy January days:

Here is the progress so far ~ all the blocks are done and now also assembled. Hopefully it will be sandwiched and quilted soon. I'm using the Retro Flowers Quilt Pattern from Christina (the Sometimes Crafter).  I just love the retro look of these quilt blocks.

That's all for today my friends ~ Happy Sewing!


  1. Very cute quilt! Great fabric choice for this pattern.

  2. this is looking fantastic! Can't wait to see it finished :)

  3. that is so cute! i love the colors you chose.

  4. Those blocks are so pretty. I can't wait to see the finished product!
