
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Clutch time!

The Pretty Little Pouch Swap, v 5 is underway. It's time to ship out the fruits of our labor.

Here is the clutch/pouch I made for my partner.
PLPS5 shipping out today partner!

This one is about 12" by 8" which makes it a decent enough size to be used as a clutch purse if my partner so desires.
PLPS5 Back of pouch
I added lots of pockets both inside and out and a little detachable wristlet strap.  This pouch is just big enough that it could also work as a project bag for a small knitting or embroidery project.  Pretty versatile size I think.

I added some curvy pockets to give it some visual interest.
Untitled Untitled
This whole project was done in a low-volume patchwork style which seems to be the latest trend in the quilt world but seeing as I love color, I had to throw in a dash of red to spice things up a bit.  I hope you like it partner.

Here is another version I made for myself as a test run.  Untitled
I added some texture to one of the pocket panels using Texture magic.   I personally thought that this version had a little bit too much going on, so I edited it in the final pouch.  Untitled
 This design will be available as a for-purchase pattern in the next couple of months.

 Happy Sewing!


  1. Another great design Caroline! Love it and so will your partner!

  2. I love your new blog design! Hopefully it's new and I'm not really behind the times by mentioning it now... And the pouches are oh so cute!

  3. I love the second one. The first one has too much going on for me.

  4. Fun design! I have some of that texture magic, but had forgotten all about it. I love the added detail.

  5. Hi, Its my first time hopping here. i hopped from pinterest with your paper piecing designs.. You are amazing at designing these paper foundation! And I love your pouches... I am a new follower..
