
Friday, May 31, 2013

Oh yeah and this other stuff happened...

I swear, since I started Instagram-ing everything I completely forget to blog about it.

Sorry about that.  So these other baby quilts were made by me over the past month or so.  Completely forgot to show these off here.

Low volume Scrappytripalong
Another Low volume scrappy Trip (aka trip around the world) quilt made with inside voices bundle 3 (I think) from Amanda at Westwood acres and then a bunch of other prints that I had on hand.
I love the low volume scrappy trip combo - a lot! Low volume Scrappytripalong
Totally channeling my inner-Rita copying (Red Pepper quilts) on the binding.

Then there was this chevron quilt which follows this moda bake shop tute from Jeni (in color order) except that I did it with a jelly roll so everything is exactly half the size of the measurements in the tute.
Baby Chevrons - gifted 

Fabric is Little Red from Tasha Noel, Riley Blake fabrics
Baby Chevrons - gifted

So yeah.  Since then both of these babies have been born and quilts gifted. Yaaay!

Happy Sewing!


  1. I LOVE your low volume trip around the world. Now that one makes me want to make on. Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. They are beautiful. I think I might like to try a low volume scrappy trip. I love it!

  3. Really cute! Productive schedule, eh?
