Sunday, November 21, 2010

Stocking Advent Calendar Tutorial:Part 1

It's snowing outside!! How appropriate then for me to share with you my stocking advent calendar tutorial. If you have a snow day coming your way soon, you can stitch up one of these in time for Dec 1st.

The one I'm making will look a little different but here is the one I made for the Savvy Season's swap.

Saavy Season's Swap goodies

The one we'll be making here is identical in size.
Saavy Season's Swap goodies

Ready? Set? Here we go...

You will need:
48 5" Scraps of various fabrics,
1/2 yd of lining fabrics or more scraps
rick rack or ribbon
quilting template plastic
1 yd of background fabric
1 yd of backing fabric
extra fabric for binding
24 buttons

All seam allowances are 1/4"

First off, you will need to create a template using the stocking pattern shown here. Print this out so that the guideline measures 1" For me that's about 100% but it might vary for you, depending upon your printer settings etc.
Advent calendar Stocking

I traced the stocking onto a piece of plastic quilting template then cut it out. You can find this plastic at any place you buy quilting supplies. However, you can also use a piece of paperboard or cardboard, or even cut it out of a plastic lid. Whatever, works for you.

Trace the stocking pattern out 48 times. I double my fabric, press so it's flat and then trace and cut - that way I'm cutting out 2 at a time and they are exactly opposite orientation. You will need 24 with the stockings facing left and 24 facing in right. I like all my stockings facing the same direction on the final piece, so I make sure I trace them all in the same direction when fabric orientation is important.
I lined all my stockings, so I also trace 48 stockings out of a lining fabric. You can use anything for this since you won't really see the lining. I used some Kona white.

First off you will need to add numbers to the stocking fronts. I used embroidered numbers, but you can do anything here. You can use a fabric marker, or hand/machine embroider the numbers or applique them on. It's up to you!

Now we are ready to sew them together. Place the pieces together so that you have one stocking outside and one lining piece. You will be placing the lining such that right sides are facing.

Then sew a 1/4" seam along the top of the stockings.
Now iron open all the top seams as shown.

Once all your lining pieces are attached. Take two corresponding stocking sides and line them up so that the right sides are facing.
Like so...
Take a 2" piece of ribbon or rick rack and fold it in half. Align the rick-rack along the top seamline towards the back of the stocking. The ribbon is going to be inserted into the side seam of the stocking when it's sewn.

Now sew a scant 1/4" seam around the outside of the stocking. Leave a small 1" opening towards the top of the lining section as shown~
Clip the corners of the curved seams, taking care not to clip the stitching! This will help the curved seams lie flat in the final stocking.
Turn the stocking right-side out as shown~
Here I have pinned closed the remaining opening . You will then stitch this opening closed using a very narrow seam.
Pop the lining inside the stocking and voila! You have completed a mini stocking!! Now do this 23 more times....!! ;)
Ok, that's it for today. Stay tuned for the finishing part of this calendar.

Stocking Advent Calendar part 2


Oops-Lah said...

I have admired your advent calendar before. It's lovely and I might give it a go (but not this year, too many things going on). Thanks for sharing the tutorial.

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Cute! I love that you're doing a tutorial, I think this is a really unique advent calendar. And your fabric selection is just gorgeous! :)

easylvia said...

Hi...I almost never comment on blogs but, I have to say that your projects are amazing. I saw this advent calendar when you first posted it and I'm thrilled that you are doing a tutorial for it. Thank you so much!

Marie said...


This is the cutest advent calendar I've seen this year. I love it. Thanks for the great tutorial.

Hugs - Marie

Anonymous said...

Wow Caroline! That is FANTASTIC! I love it!

random Cindy said...

Do you think my kids would kill me if I put just one Lego in each sock?

Nice tute Caroline!

Holly said...

No way! I love this advent calendar that you made, thanks so much for sharing a tutorial with us!!! =D

Bec said...

it is sooo gorgeous!! xx LOVE it!! xx

Louisa said...

I love it! Thanks so much for sharing your tutorial.

1001plaisirs de ghislaine said...

I linked to your tutorial on my blog! but I translate it before...for my friends who don't speak english !

Unknown said...

that's a very fantastic advent calendar! i love it!

I linked to your tutorial on my blog - thanks for sharing! you did a very good job!

doro K.

Andrea said...

Thank you for the cute tutorial! I just finished ours last night!

Megan said...

I was wondering how you store this calendar and if the painted clothes pins bleed at all or if they need to be sealed after painting? Sorry, I live in Hawaii where it is humid and was curious. Thanks

Caroline ~ TrilliumDesign said...

Breebs and Teej - the paint I used was Rustoleum enamel spray paint and as long as it's thoroughly dry you shouldn't have a bleed problem - that stuff is pretty tough once it's cured. I have stored it for over a year now and it was fine and I live in wet Oregon.

snickers4 said...

Is the calendar that is like a clothesline hanging portrait or landscape style? Also when I print out the stocking pattern with the quideline 1" I can not fit 8 across unless it is landscape ... but your picture looks like you have it hanging portrait style. How long is the stocking pattern .... maybe mine is too big

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful calender! I am going to give it a go! Could you tell me how you made the numbers? Did you purchase them? Thanks :-)

Caroline ~ TrilliumDesign said...

Stephen Magwen ~ the numbers were made using an embroidery machine however you could stamp, hand embroider or freezer-paper print the numbers on or purchase preprinted numbers. There are many options.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks :-) Could I possibly ask you what is the grey linen material you used? What type of linen is it? Many thanks again for a beautiful tutorial :-)

Caroline ~ TrilliumDesign said...

Stephen Magwen: the linen is natural undyed linen. It's not gray but looks that way due to my photography in the gray Oregon light.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! :-) thanks, better start sewing!

Unknown said...

A few months ago, there was a pattern for a wonky fabric box pattern on I wanted to make these for quick holiday gifts. Now I am unable to locate the pattern. I know the box was comprised of 2 different squares. When folded and sewn, the boxes were higher on 1 side the other. I remember that the size of squares were 10" and 9??? Where can I find this pattern? I am not as creative!

Mara said...

This is adorable! My friend Deb just made a version of these, I will have to wait till next year to do them, Thanks for the tutorial.