I don't usually make new year's resolutions. Here's why: I personally feel that you should and can make a change in your life at any point during the year and that you don't have to wait for the new year to reflect on necessary changes. But this year, I'm going to make an exception. I've officially unofficially dubbed 2011 - a year dedicated to decorating. I'm going to attack the many aspects of this house that never quite got to where they were supposed to get from a home decor point of view. Here's the thing, we moved into this house 8 years ago. At that point I had 2 very young children. We got the rooms painted and moved in and we put everything where we wanted it but I never quite got all the little touches done on this house. There is this stack of picture frames sitting in a pile in my front room that have lived there for around 7 years. Yes, 7 years! I know it's shameful really. But there you have it! There was just quite never enough time in the day and after awhile I just plum forgot about them. So I'm going to eradicate that this year. In 2011 I'm going to attack a room every month (some rooms will take more than 1 month) and finish all the final touches. While I'm at it, I'm going to share the process and the journey with you here. Want to join me?
Job 1: Sewing area
Scraps, scraps and more scraps.
Seems that when there is sewing there are always endless, growing piles of scraps. Know what I mean?

My scraps used to live on my floor under the cutting table, in paper bags no less - not very attractive or functional and really an awful place to store them. So I decided to make them their own little bins, color coded to correspond to the fabrics inside.

Voila! I love this solution and I made them big enough that they should hold scraps for a few years to come. Phew! Much nicer looking. Here they are living on top of the fabric stash.
You can make these to! They are just fabric boxes reinforced with Peltex fusible interfacing. There are lots of tutorial on making storage boxes online if you google it, so I'm not going to describe the process here. Plus these use up a few scraps as well - yes! Now I just need to make a couple more.
Much better! I feel better already! I think this year is going to be very fulfilling.
Your new bins are adorable and functional, how perfect! That is a great resolution for the year, it sounds like a lot of fun :)
fantastic stash bins ~ great idea!!
They look great. I have been wanting to get some containers and now I think I'll make some. I love your color coding!
I love your scrap bins! I might have to steal your idea and make some for my sewing room too. Thanks for the inspiration.
Fantastic idea with the colour coded boxes!
FAbulous!!! Love them.
those new bins are fabulous! Love them! and a great way to stay organized!
What a great idea! Love your bins!
So cute and clever!!! I seriously need to get my scraps organized.
They're beautiful!
What courage to come out as "undecorated"! We have been here 4 years and are in a similar dilemma. You just gave me hope!
seriously! you think I'm joking? I walk past my "dining room" and yell "oh the humanity!" its such a disaster.... :D
thanks for the honesty, maybe I can tackle my own house of horrors... youre and inspiration!
I love your bins, I may have to make myself a set as well! Ok - you're scaring me with the 7 years bit... I have a 1 1/2 yr old and 3 1/2 yr old, and I keep telling myself - oh I'll get to that next month, but it never happens! Will it really be 7 years before I get to my stack of frames? Egads! Good luck! Looking fwd to seeing you outcome!
Wow, these look GREAT! Love the scrappy patchwork tops and co-ordinarily lining. Well done :)
Wow, these look GREAT! Love the scrappy patchwork and the mat hinge lining, well done :)
What a great idea. I love them. You are organized and it looks great!
This is a seriously fantastic idea! I love that they are on display but also "clean" at the same time!!!
My issue is always in attempting to determine what is a "scrap" and what is a piece big enough to return to my stash!! :)
I love these scrap bins! (And I also love your 2011 challenge!) I already have a scrap system, otherwise I would use this idea!
I just stumbled on your blog a few days ago, and I love it! Everything here is really inspirational. :)
I also saw in your description that you're a "mad scientist". What do you do? I used to be a molecular biology tech for the USDA, before my daughter was born. We are moving to Seattle soon, and I'm thinking of getting back into the lab.
I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
those are awesome! :)
I want to make mine the year of decorating too... good idea. :)
I love these! So pretty and useful! I love to save and use my scraps!
would you mind giving approx sizes of these beautiful boxes?? I think Iwant to make some for my scraps and not really sure what size is good.
I realize it will vary depending on many scraps I have .I am just trying to get an Idea.
thanks julie
You have no idea how much I absolutely LOVE these! Must make them now.
By the way, I love your official unofficial resolution. I should do something like that this year too.
Super clever!! Gotta do this for sure.
Love these bins. Hopefully I can find a similar tutorial somewhere on the net. I have difficulty figuring out things that are not flat.
Do you sell this pattern?? They are the prettiest storage bins I have ever seen!!
These boxes are perfect for my needs, but I really hate having to search for a "similar" pattern.
PLEASE share the pattern that you used including dimensions. A free tutorial would be lovely BUT I will certainly purchase it if you will make it available.
This is exactly what I should make for the scrap shash in my sewing room! Thanks for sharing this idea!
Super cute. Any chance you'd consider writing a tutorial to make these? Looks like a design that would make for great gifts and I'd love to promote during my Make It A Handmade Christmas Challenge: http://www.sewcalgal.blogspot.com/p/the-christmas-challenge-consist-of.html
I am writing about different methods for storing scraps. Can I use your photo, with credit to you and a link to this page, to demonstrate the shoe organizer method?
fantastic! just what I need... how did u make them
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