Says the girl leaving for Girl Scout camp in 2 days, "Mom can you make me a bag like Hunter's?"
Ok sure no problem, I'll just whip that up. One very hot weekend of sewing later... are the results
This is the weekend away travel bag from Heather Ross' Weekend Sewing. I swore the last time I made this bag that I wouldn't make it again. No offense to Miss Heather, but this isn't my favorite pattern but I didn't want to take the time to draft my own.
So I changed up a few things. Instead of sewing the front/lining together and flipping it right side out as the instructions say, I just serged them together right sides out and left the serged edge on the inside. This isn't as clean but really reduces the bulk when you are trying to assemble it and makes for fewer broken needles and expletives. I also changed up the way the side panels are attached to the zipper section - I machine sewed those in place for a more secure seam. Overall this bag was much easier to assemble with these changes.
I used a laminate fabric on the inside to make it easy to clean. Add a little personalization and a wrist strap and it's good to go. Hope she has a fun week at camp!
Happy Sewing!
Well, I have no doubt that she will have the coolest bag at Girl Scout Camp! My granddaughter just came back & I assure you she took nothing so cool!
I love this bag! Great job!
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