Remnant of fabric at least 19"x10"
5/8" wide velcro
Pellon Decor Bond or similar heavyweight fusible or sew-in interfacing
Dressmakers chalk or disappearing ink pen
Thread to match fabric
NOTE: This pattern calls for a 1/4" seam allowance unless otherwise indicated.
Now for the fun part ~ how to make the wallet:
1. Start by cutting out 2 pieces of fabric, each piece should measure 5"x9.5". Also cut a piece of interfacing the same size. You can use the picture below as a guide - the box is the velcro placement line. EDITED TO ADD: If you can't see the picture, it shows the pattern piece (5"x9.5") with a line drawn 1.5" from one of the short ends. You will place the velcro on this line (centered from side to side).

2. Fuse the interfacing to one piece of the fabric (the one you plan to use for the outside of the wallet), taking care to fuse it to the wrong side of the fabric and follow the manufacturers directions for fusing.

3. Transfer the fold marks from the template to the back of the fabric using dressmakers chalk. On my pattern, the fold marks are 1.5" in from the end of the fabric.

4. Using the template as a guide, transfer the velcro placement markings to your fabric using a chalk pencil or disappearing ink.

5. Attach the velcro strips to both pieces of fabric. A. On the fabric with the interfacing attached, place the velcro 1" in from the short edge. B. On the other piece of fabric, attach the other piece of velcro 1/4" in from the short edge as shown.

6. Pin velcro in place and stitch close to the edge. TIP It's a good idea to stitch around the velcro twice to ensure a strong seam. Be sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of all your seams.

7. Place the front and back fabric pieces RIGHT sides together. Make sure that the velcro placement is on the opposite side of each piece of fabric. So on the wallet outside piece it will be on one end and on the wallet lining piece it will be on the opposite end.

10. Turn wallet right side out using a turning tool to push out the corners.
11. Fold the opening under 1/4 " and press. Pin or baste in place, then stitch this opening closed using a 1/8" seam. TIP use an edgestitch foot if you have one - this will make maintaining an even seam allowance a bit easier.

12. Fold the wallet up at the turning mark (use the paper template as a guide) and pin in place. Sew a 1/8" seam all the way around the wallet including the flap. This both encloses the body of the wallet and finishes the edge nicely.

13. Fold it closed and ta da! You are done. Fill with business cards, ID, credits cards, sundries... This card wallet will hold up to 20 or more (depending on how much you want to stuff in there) thick plastic credit cards

Now go make a few more for your friends

wish I could sew Makes a great card case!
Thanks for the tute! I just put one together for my dd. Thanks for sharing!!
Cute idea - I always seem to accumulate so many loyalty cards etc in my wallet. It would be great to have a separate place to stash them.
This is a great idea! I have far too many discount and reward cards in my purse. I've added this to my bookmarks so I can make it soon. Thanks for sharing!
Love this! It looks sooo easy (except the velcro) and I appreciate you sharing the intstructions.
Also, your blog is so beautiful! I'll definitely come back! Thanks again!
OOOOOO....This looks fun. I am going to make an bigger version for "female bathroom needs". All the girls in the office will be so jealous that I have a pretty tote for my "necessities". Guess I'll be making several of these to share with them.
Thanks for the tute!!!
thanks for the tutorial, although i didn't follow it to the letter the measurements were useful. and instead of using it for loyalty cards im going to put some mini eggs in it for my little cousin for Easter. :)thanks
and happy easter
I just want to say that these instructions are GREAT! I love how easy you made it for anyone to do. Even if you do not sew at all you could tackle this small project and be amazed with the results.
Sewing Snow
Awesome! I am going to have to try this!
I'm sorry, but this was on a listing of 'beginner' projects and I just don't think this is truly for a beginner. For instance, it says, "NOTE: this pattern calls for a 1/4" seam alliance unless otherwise indicated." then, in step 1 says to cut 2 pieces measuring 5"x9.5" - as a true beginner, I don't know if I should be cutting 5"x9.5" OR 5 1/4" by 9 3/4"… It also says, "you can use the template below as a guide" but I can't find anywhere to actually be able to print the template to use it…and then step 3 says to transfer the fold marks from the template - when I don't have a template, because I can't print one…again, same issue in step 4, "using the template as a guide…" - I don't have one.. :-( - and the photo in step 4 with all those (albeit pretty, but…) confusing different fabrics make it hard to really SEE what I'm actually supposed to do…then step 5 uses another pattern of fabric from the previous steps…confusion sets in again for this true beginner… Bottom line, I think I can figure it out alright, but it was fairly confusing for me the first 3x through…after some reading and re-reading I think I can do it, but it just didn't feel like something a true beginner can do 'easily' as it's labeled. Just wanted to post this for any others like me who might want to dive in - read it and re-read it and you'll end up getting the gist of it, template or no…
Anon: I'm sorry you are finding this tutorial so confusing. Seam allowances are always included within the pattern measurements so you don't have to try to figure out the cutting measurements. Just cut out the pieces as directed. If you sew with a 1/4" SA then you will be just fine. I'm sorry you are having printing issues - can't help you there.
As a beginner, I appreciate the comment above. I am also confused about the "template". I do not have printer issues, I do not see the template. This tutorial is not really written for a beginner.
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