As you know, I recently participated in the Sew Out Loud Quilt-along and there were quite a few submissions for the twelfth and final block. I thought some of those blocks were fantastic and deserved to be made available for other people to sew. So I contacted fellow Oregonian, Becky of
Solar Threads and offered to digitize her 'Oh Snap' design for her so you all could sew it as well. Ok I'll confess I wanted to sew it also. ;)
Here is her fabulous block design:
The final design will yield a block that is 12.5" square. The pattern pieces for this block can be found
The piecing guide is
Please NOTE that there is an error on the pattern pieces pdf. Block H1 is incorrectly labeled and should be labeled H5. If you assume there is no H1 and proceed from H2 you should be fine. Also the cutting guidelines for some of the pieces seem to be wonkily off. Just add 1/4" seam allowance around each section when you are finished piecing it and you should be fine. EQ7 is glitchy for me sometimes when running on the Mac through the virtual desktop. I'm still working on this problem.
Prepare the sections in alphabetical order. Starting with section A.
Make section B, and the make C and attach them to each other - then attach that section to A. Set aside.
Make section D then E and attach them to each other. Set aside.
Make F and then G and attach. Make H, then attach to FG.
Make I, then make J, then make K and attach J ->I ->K. Then attach this whole section to HFG.
Make L then make M and attach to each other. "SNAP!" is made.
Attach section N to bottom of word SNAP. Then attach section O to top of SNAP. Then attach "OH" section to top of SNAP. Then attach sections ABC above OH SNAP words as shown in piecing diagram.
Then attach pieces P1 and Q1 and you are done!
Awesome block Becky! I can't wait to sew it up myself. If any of you sew it up, please add it to the
Sew Out Loud flickr pool we'ld all love to see it!
Happy Sewing!