A few weeks ago, Tara of
Tinkerfrog asked if anyone wanted to review her Quilt-as-you-go class on craftsy. I had been wanting to take a craftsy class and learn more about QAYG, so I jumped at the opportunity.
Let me just start off by saying what a fun class this was. Tara is such a wonderful, enthusiastic teacher you can't help but want to dive right into your project after you take this class. She really explains the quilt-as-you-go process very clearly, starting you off with an easy potholder to master the technique and moving onto the construction of a large tinker tote.
Personally, as a bag maker of many years, I can say that she really does cover all the basics of bag construction and shows you everything in detail including interior pockets, zipper installation, working with leather and how-to install purse feet and a magnetic snap. Even if you have never made a bag, you will be able to follow Tara's instructions and end up with a fabulous quilted bag when you are done. Tara gives you lots of options for designing your bag. Don't want leather? No problem! She shows you alternate ways to make your bag. Plus it's a scrap project and who doesn't have ton of scraps that need to be used up?
Here is the potholder that I made in no time at all.

The bag I made took a little longer but that's just because it's a lot bigger and there are more steps. Turned out pretty cute I think!

She also included a super easy peasy and fun to learn zipper tutorial - which I know can be daunting for some of you. She makes the whole process super easy and you'll wonder why you
ever feared zippers after you watch her class.
It's a no-brainer peeps really! It's also quite a lot of bang-for-your buck as you are learning quite a lot of new stuff all in one class! Totally worth-it!
So as part of this review, Tara and Craftsy are offering a 25% discount to her quilt-as-you-go class if you use
this link.
Finally, I'm giving away the bag I made on this blog! If you want to win it, all you have to do is comment here. If you tweet this post, share it on facebook, or pinterest, you'll get extra chances to win. Just pop back here for here post and make a comment so I know you did.
Good luck with the contest and have fun sewing!! The contest will close on July 17th. Open to US Residents only this time.